Wednesday, April 02, 2008 on now....

On its surface MoveOn sounds somewhat noble. From their own website...
The MoveOn family of organizations brings real Americans back into the political process. With over 3.2 million members across America – from carpenters to stay-at-home moms to business leaders – we work together to realize the progressive promise of our country. MoveOn is a service – a way for busy but concerned citizens to find their political voice in a system dominated by big money and big media.

Progressive is good, right? Giving concerned citizens a way to find their political voice in a system dominated by big money and big media. Gee that sounds good too. So, one might conclude this group would be a forum for action and information that stands above the mudslinging so typical of political campaigns. After all, I have to think that most Americans would not believe that our "promise" as a nation is best served by manipulative, deceptive politics. Treat us like adults! Tell us the truth! Stop the lies, cross bridges, and get some freaking work done in Washington! Well if this is your idea of the "promise" of America, then you might want to think twice about supporting MoveOn.

For all the feel good language in their "about us" page,'s deeds are just more of the same that many Americans are disgusted with. Lies, half-truths, and hyperbole are the hallmarks of many of MoveOn's ads that they've funded. Just read the text of an ad (plus supporting "facts") targeting McCain for escalating the war in Iraq. The "facts" cited in support of their claim are taken out of context, and misleading at best....deceptive propaganda at worst.

Call me crazy, but I see just a few flaws in their arguments:
1) The surge while advocated by McCain was not solely "his" idea.
2) Equating McCain's statement "the presence of additional brigades should be tied to completion of their mission rather than to some arbitrary deadline.…A time-limited deployment would have, on a smaller scale, the same negative effects posed by a national timetable for withdrawal.” [AEI Speech, 1/5/07] with the assertion that he plans to keep troops in Iraq with no timetable for bringing them home....come on! Technically yes, no timetable...McCain did not cite a specific date for withdrawal or drawdown. But, he's not saying leave troops at current surge levels indefinitely forever and ever. He's saying keep them in place only as long as necessary to complete their mission. Now perhaps a clear definition of that mission is in order, but if that's the quibble, make it. Don't take the giant leap and falsely imply an intent to escalate and keep troops in Iraq indefinitely.
3) The surge was intended to address a key complaint of the Rumsfeld doctrine toward Iraq....many military leaders warned that we did not go in with enough troops to secure the territory and keep the peace once Iraq's military had been defeated/disbanded and Saddam removed from power. For years after the 2003 invasion the security situation in Iraq decreased in part because we did not have sufficient forces to deal with the aftermath. Say what you will, but the surge stabilized and improved the security situation in Iraq.
4) McCain has gone on record numerous times expressing the opinion that troops in Iraq should be brought home as soon as possible. Something MoveOn fails to mention. Frankly his words are quite similar to statements made by both Hillary and Obama. The difference (besides party affiliation) is in defining "as soon as possible".

MoveOn....move've become as corrupt and manipulative as the "establishment" that you set out to oppose.