Monday, August 04, 2008

Fed up yet???

Has anyone else been following the fun at It's only August and I'm already sick of the spin and lies from both candidates, or more appropriately from their campaigns. For all the talk of "change" this campaign season is turning out to be more of the same....lies, distortions, and soundbites taken out of context.

My only consolation is there seems to be a groundswell of support for some sort of energy plan. On the chance you've been under a rock the past few months and haven't already heard, billionaire oil man T. Boone Pickens is pushing a plan to wean us off of foreign oil. Check Some might take issue with his motivation, claiming he stands to make big bucks if his plan is adopted. However, I think the guys genuinely trying here. I mean at 80 (or thereabouts), how many more billions could he really want? Maybe this is his shot at an altruistic final chapter to his life...similar to the Rockefellers and other oil barons from generations prior. Regardless of motivation, the plan makes sense. Use our own resources, provide and INTERIM bridge for the next big idea, and don't drop our eye off the goal ife oil prices drop to tolerable levels.