Thursday, March 13, 2008

Something fun...

I'm not sure why, but this made me smile.

My early support for the War in Iraq has waned somewhat in recent years. The bungling of Rumsfeld and the attempts to police a country with far fewer forces that we brought to Gulf War I caused endless headaches. Yet our soldiers sucked it up and made the best of the situation. I think we've turned the corner, and congressional response to General Petraeus's upcoming report should be interesting. Now doubt both the Republicans adn Democrats will pick it apart each certain that the report 'proves' they were right. Eveyone keep some open ears and listen for yourself.

My brother-in-law is on his 3rd tour...fingers crossed, and hopeful prayers that he'll return safely and not have to redeploy. The thing is, I know he'd go again if asked. He doesn't like it there, but knows there's work to be done. He's a American soldier. May we be so lucky as to have thousands more like times of peace and times of turmoil. Let's just see if we can't get a few of those fellows some dance lessons :-) Who knows maybe it's cut down on the PTSD.....check the vid.

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